Best Deal New QL200 PIC Microchip MCU Development Board USB Programmer Kit 1602 LCD ICD
There are so many quality products available online, The New QL200 PIC Microchip MCU Development Board USB Programmer Kit 1602 LCD ICD is the one that you must have. The New QL200 PIC Microchip MCU Development Board USB Programmer Kit 1602 LCD ICD is a great product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Abundant on-board resources, Open modular design, Perfect examples
- Full combination of PIC chips available for programming supporting and experiment development
- Powerful on-board programming system, On-board simulation debugging interface
- Powerful programming control software, Over-load protection function, On-board CPU on-line upgrade function
- Auto-load of changed file function, Function to identify the figuration bit and EEPROM in the file automatically
QL200 is an integrated demo system for study and development of PIC
Microcontroller, which is provided with four functions of experimental
instrument, programmer, simulation interface and ICSP download cable. Enclosed
with control CPU and combined with programming software which has independent
intellectual property rights, the system is able to support over 90 percent of
the experiments and development practices of PIC Microcontroller.
To easily study and develop all series of PIC Microcontroller's, only a set of
QL200 demo system and a computer are needed. Based on programming functions,
abundant on-board hardware resources, flexible expansion, free resource
distribution, and ICSP download function for customer target board, QL200 can
not only satisfy the demands of a beginner in Microcontroller study, but also
meet the requirements of engineers in development of Microcontroller. In
addition to a study & experimental board, QL200 is also a demo board of
Microcontroller integrated with multiple resources.
Package List
* 1 x USB cable
* 1 x ICSP cable
* 1 x RS232 Cable
* 1 x 16F877A Chip
* 1 x 1602 LCD with Yellow backlight
* 1 x CD-ROM or USB Flash disk(Programmer Driver , English version PDF User
manual ,QL200 Layout,QL200 Board Schematic , Sample code (C / ASM) , MPLAB 7.50
Compatible for OS including Windows 98, Windows 2000/NT, Windows XP , Windows
2003 and Vista
* 20x Dupont thread expansion connection wire
* 1 x 10-bit D/A converter TLC5615 (DIP8 package)
* 1 x DS18B20 ( DS1820 ) Temperature Sensor(TO-92 package)
Best Price New QL200 PIC Microchip MCU Development Board USB Programmer Kit 1602 LCD ICD
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