Cheap Zotac Intel Celeron 743 1.3GHz Single-Core Mini ITX Intel Motherboard IONITX-N-E
With so many great products on the market Zotac Intel Celeron 743 1.3GHz Single-Core Mini ITX Intel Motherboard IONITX-N-E is one that we recommend for you. The Zotac Intel Celeron 743 1.3GHz Single-Core Mini ITX Intel Motherboard IONITX-N-E is a fantastic product and we are very pleased with its quality. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- NVIDIA ION graphics processor, 16 stream processors
- Intel Celeron 743 (1.3 GHz, single-core), 800 MHz front-side bus
- DDR3 1066, 2 x 240 pin DDR3 DIMM slots, Up to 8GB ram
- Mini PCI Express (occupied by WiFi module), PCI Express 2.0 x 16, 10 USB ports (6 on back panel, 4 via pin header), 3 SATA 3.0Gb/s, 1 eSATA 3.0Gb/s, SATA RAID 0, 1
- NVIDIA PureVideo HD technology, NVIDIA CUDA Ready, NVIDIA MediaShield Storage & RAID technology, Integrated 802.11n WiFi, DirectX 10, Windows 7 Premium ready
Experience fluid and vivid high-definition video playback with the ultra-compact ZOTAC ION motherboard. The mini-ITX form factor ZOTAC ION motherboards combine a high-performance NVIDIA ION graphics processor with a power-efficient Intel Celeron processor for the ultimate platform that has no troubles handling regular web browsing, e-mail, productivity and HD video playback tasks. NVIDIA PureVideo HD technology harnesses the power of the NVIDIA ION GPU’s 16 high-speed stream processors for high-definition Blu-ray playback capabilities.PureVideo HD technology decodes HD video formats and enhances standard-definition videos with the NVIDIA ION GPU for flawless HD and superior SD video playback.
Cheap Price Zotac Intel Celeron 743 1.3GHz Single-Core Mini ITX Intel Motherboard IONITX-N-E
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