Cheap Price Foxconn K7S741GXMG-6L 462(A) SiS 741GX Micro ATX AMD Bare Replacement Motherboard (Only Motherboard and I/O Shield)
There are many great products on the market today, The Foxconn K7S741GXMG-6L 462(A) SiS 741GX Micro ATX AMD Bare Replacement Motherboard (Only Motherboard and I/O Shield) is one that we recommend for you. The Foxconn K7S741GXMG-6L 462(A) SiS 741GX Micro ATX AMD Bare Replacement Motherboard (Only Motherboard and I/O Shield) is a great product and we are pleased with its quality. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Foxconn 741M01C-GX-6L Socket 462(A) SiS 741GX Micro ATX AMD.
- Bare Replacement Motherboard (Only Motherboard and I/O Shield)
AMD Athlon / Sempron / Duron processors, Socket 462
FSB 333 / 266 MHz
Chipest: SIS 741gx/963l Chipset
Memory: DDR333 / 266 DRAM x2 DIMMs, Max 2Gb
IDE: 2 x ATA133
AGP 8X slot (1.5v only)
Audio: 5.1 channel Audio (Realtek)
Video: Integrated Ultra-AGPTMII Graphics
LAN: 10 / 100 Mbps LAN (Realtek)
6 USB 2.0 ports
Micro ATX
Package Includes:
FOXCONN 741M01C-GX-6L mATX Motherboard and I/O Shield
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