Get Special Offer For Genuine Dell Inspiron 546 546s Desktop/Slim Desktop System Motherboard Systemboard Mainboard, Dell Part Number: F896N
If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The Genuine Dell Inspiron 546 546s Desktop/Slim Desktop System Motherboard Systemboard Mainboard, Dell Part Number: F896N is our recommendation for you. The Genuine Dell Inspiron 546 546s Desktop/Slim Desktop System Motherboard Systemboard Mainboard, Dell Part Number: F896N is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Most people who have bought and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Chipset: ATI 3200 Chipset, Supported Processors: Socket AM2, AMD Sempron, AMD Phenom x4, Athlon II 64x2, Athlon 64x4
- Supported Memory: 4x 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 4gb Max Total, Audio: Integrated Audio
- Video: AMD RS780, Expansion Capabilities: 2x PCI, 1x PCI Express x16
- Peripheral Interfaces: 1x VGA Monitor Connector, 1x RJ45 Ethernet/LAN Port, 1x HDMI Connector, 4x back-panel USB 2.0-compliant connectors, 3x back panel connectors for line-in, line-out, and microphone
- Motherboard Part Number: F896N
Genuine Dell Motherboard, For the Inspiron 546, 546s Systems.
Chipset: ATI 3200 Chipset, Supported Processors: Socket AM2, AMD Sempron, AMD Phenom x4, Athlon II 64x2, Athlon 64x4, Supported Memory: 4x 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 4gb Max Total, Audio: Integrated Audio, Video: AMD RS780, Expansion Capabilities: 2x PCI, 1x PCI Express x16, Peripheral Interfaces: 1x VGA Monitor Connector, 1x RJ45 Ethernet/LAN Port, 1x HDMI Connector, 4x back-panel USB 2.0-compliant connectors, 3x back panel connectors for line-in, line-out, and microphone, Motherboard Part Number: F896N.
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