Get Special Deal For SainSmart 12864 128x64 Graphic Yellow LCD Display Module Backlight For Arduino UNO R3 Duemilanove MEGA2560 MEGA1280 AVR
If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The SainSmart 12864 128x64 Graphic Yellow LCD Display Module Backlight For Arduino UNO R3 Duemilanove MEGA2560 MEGA1280 AVR is one that we recommend for you. The SainSmart 12864 128x64 Graphic Yellow LCD Display Module Backlight For Arduino UNO R3 Duemilanove MEGA2560 MEGA1280 AVR is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Voltage: 5V
- Yellow backlit
- Controller: ST7920
- Size: 93x70mm
This is a 128x64 liquid crystal display that support Chinese character, English characters and even graphics, very suitable for interactive work with Arduino.
* Voltage: 5V
* Yellow backlight
* Controller: ST7920
* Size: 93x70mm
Note: The link is to download the code for the
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