Cheap Price Genuine Dell Intel 865VP 478 Socket Intel Pentium 4 (P4) MotherBoard For Dimension 2400 Desktop PC Part Numbers: F5949, K5148, G1548, C2425
There are lots of great products on the market, The Genuine Dell Intel 865VP 478 Socket Intel Pentium 4 (P4) MotherBoard For Dimension 2400 Desktop PC Part Numbers: F5949, K5148, G1548, C2425 is one that you should buy. The Genuine Dell Intel 865VP 478 Socket Intel Pentium 4 (P4) MotherBoard For Dimension 2400 Desktop PC Part Numbers: F5949, K5148, G1548, C2425 is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Most customer reviews about this product are fairly positive. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Genuine Dell MotherBoard - F5949 / K5148 / G1548 / C2425 For Dell Dimension 2400
- CHIPSET: Intel 865VP; PROCESSOR: Support for Intel P4, 478 socket, Support for Intel Celeron D, 478 socket
- MEMORY: 2 - PC2100 (266-MHz) or PC2700 (333-MHz) DDR SDRAM (non-ECC)); supports single or double sided DIMMs; AUDIO: Integrated Audio; VIDEO: Integrated Intel 3D Extreme Graphics
- PERIPHERAL INTERFACES: (4) 2.0 USB (front and back) / (2) PS/2 ports (mouse and Keyboard) / (1) parallel printer port / (1) serial port(s), 2 - IDE connectors supporting UDMA 33 and ATA-66/100, 1 - Integrated 10/100 Ethernet, 1 - FDD connector
Genuine Dell motherboard G1548 for the Dell Dimension 2400. This is for the motherboard only. CPUs and heatsinks/retainers are NOT included.
Features: CHIPSET: Intel 865VP; PROCESSOR: Support for Intel P4, 478 socket, Support for Intel Celeron D, 478 socket;
MEMORY: 2 - PC2100 (266-MHz) or PC2700 (333-MHz) DDR SDRAM (non-ECC)); supports single or double sided DIMMs; AUDIO: Integrated Audio;
VIDEO: Integrated Intel 3D Extreme Graphics;
(4) 2.0 USB (front and back) / (2) PS/2 ports (mouse and Keyboard) / (1) parallel printer port / (1) serial port(s),
2 - IDE connectors supporting UDMA 33 and ATA-66/100,
1 - Integrated 10/100 Ethernet,
1 - FDD connector;
3 PCI 32Bit/33MHz slot;
COMPATIBLE PART NUMBERS: F5949, K5148, G1548, C2425.
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