Get Cheap ECS Elitegroup Celeron 1037 Dual Core Processor Mini ITX DDR3 1333 BGA 1023 Motherboard NM70-I2 (1.0)
If you are looking for a great product at an unbeatable price, then The ECS Elitegroup Celeron 1037 Dual Core Processor Mini ITX DDR3 1333 BGA 1023 Motherboard NM70-I2 (1.0) is the one that you must have. The ECS Elitegroup Celeron 1037 Dual Core Processor Mini ITX DDR3 1333 BGA 1023 Motherboard NM70-I2 (1.0) is a great product and we are pleased with its quality. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Applied Solid Capacitor for CPU VRM to ensure a longer lifespan for system
- ESD Protection prevents computers from electrostatic discharge damage to enhance its durability and lifespan
- Microsoft Windows 8 Certified
- 17W Celeron 1037 CPU
The NM70-I2, comes with an integrated Intel Celeron 1037 CPU and is based on the NM70 Express Chipset. With features like full Electrostatic Discharge Protection, Best Power Efficiency platform and full Windows 8 support, the NM70-I2 is the best choice for affordable but capable small form factor systems. The NM70-I2 is ideal for desktop PCs, home theater PCs and industrial applications. With the Intel Celeron processor only consuming a maximum of 17W the ECS NM70-I2 is a low power solution. It features intelligent power management by turning computing functions on only when needed, reducing energy usage by operating at lower frequencies when performance is not necessary. The ECS NM70-I2 also has 100% solid capacitor for the CPU voltage regulator module to maximize the reliability and longevity of your system. The ECS NM70-I2 supports video and storage upgrades with 1x PCI-E x16 2.0, 1x 6Gb/s SATA and 3x 3GB/s SATA connections. For industrial applications, the NM70-I2 is equipped with 2 Serial ports(COM). Moreover, users can enjoy high definition media as the NM70-I2 supports HD 1080p and Blu-Ray playback.
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