Get Special Price For Genuine Dell Motherboard G679R FM586 G33M02 For Inspiron 530, 530s and Vostro 200, 400 Systems Intel G33 Express DDR2 SDRAM Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M02
There are lots of great products on the market, The Genuine Dell Motherboard G679R FM586 G33M02 For Inspiron 530, 530s and Vostro 200, 400 Systems Intel G33 Express DDR2 SDRAM Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M02 is one that you should have. The Genuine Dell Motherboard G679R FM586 G33M02 For Inspiron 530, 530s and Vostro 200, 400 Systems Intel G33 Express DDR2 SDRAM Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M02 is a great product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Genuine Dell Motherboard G679R FM586 G33M03 For Inspiron 530, 530s and Vostro 200, 400 Systems
- Chipset: Intel G33 Express / Supported Processors: Many Intel Core 2 Duo / Quad Processors - But not all Known to work: E2180, E4400, E6550, E6600, E2140, E2180, E6320, E6700, E4300, E6420, E4500, E6750, E2220, E8300, E4700, E2200, E8200, E8400, E8500, E4600, E6850, Celeron D420, D430, D440
- Memory: Up to 4GB Dual-Channel DDR2 SDRAM / Video: Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 / Audio: Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
- Expansion Capabilities: PCI: 2 Slots PCIe x1: 1 Slot PCIe x16 (Graphics): 1 Slots / Motherboard Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M02
- Peripheral Interfaces: 1 DVI, VGA and 1 S-Video (with add-in PCI-Express video card), IEEE 1394 (optional): 1 - 6-pin serial connector, 10 USB ports (4 Front, 4 back) + 2 internal, 6 back-panel connectors for line-in, line-out, microphone, rear surround, side surround, two front-panel connectors for headphones/microphone, integrated 7.1 channel sound, Integrated 10/100 network interface,
This is a, Genuine Dell Motherboard G679R FM586 G33M03 For Inspiron 530, 530s and Vostro 200, 400 Systems Intel G33 Express DDR2 SDRAM Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M03
Chipset: Intel G33 Express
Supported Processors: Many Intel Core 2 Duo / Quad Processors - But not all
Known to work: E2180, E4400, E6550, E6600, E2140, E2180, E6320, E6700, E4300, E6420, E4500, E6750, E2220, E8300, E4700, E2200, E8200, E8400, E8500, E4600, E6850, Celeron D420, D430, D440
Memory: Up to 4GB Dual-Channel DDR2 SDRAM
Video: Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100
Audio: Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio
Expansion Capabilities: PCI: 2 Slots
PCIe x1: 1 Slot
PCIe x16 (Graphics): 1 Slots
Peripheral Interfaces:
1 DVI, VGA and 1 S-Video (with add-in PCI-Express video card)
IEEE 1394 (optional): 1 - 6-pin serial connector
10 USB ports (4 Front, 4 back) + 2 internal
6 back-panel connectors for line-in, line-out, microphone, rear surround, side surround, two front-panel connectors for headphones/microphone, integrated 7.1 channel sound
Integrated 10/100 network interface
Motherboard Compatible Part Numbers: G679R, RY007, FM586, CU409, RN474, K216C, GN723, G33M03
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