Best Price Intel Desktop Motherboard LGA1155 DDR3 1600 MicroATX - BOXDB75EN
With so many great products on the market Intel Desktop Motherboard LGA1155 DDR3 1600 MicroATX - BOXDB75EN is one that is worth buying. The Intel Desktop Motherboard LGA1155 DDR3 1600 MicroATX - BOXDB75EN is a popular and highest rated product in the market. People who have purchased and used this product are very satisfied with overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- Support Intel Small Business Advantage
- Support Intel Anti-Theft Technology
- Legacy Connectivity: Serial Header, Parallel Port, PS/2 Port
The Intel Desktop Board DB75EN is based on the Intel B75 Express Chipset and supports 2nd and 3rd generation Intel Core Processors in the LGA 1155 package. The visibly smart Intel Core processor family provides amazing performance and stunning visuals
Best Price Intel Desktop Motherboard LGA1155 DDR3 1600 MicroATX - BOXDB75EN
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