Cheap Price Intel BOXD915PSY 915P LGA775 800FSB 4DDR Audio Lan SATA uATX 2PCI + PCI- Retail Motherboard
With so many great products on the market Intel BOXD915PSY 915P LGA775 800FSB 4DDR Audio Lan SATA uATX 2PCI + PCI- Retail Motherboard is one that you should buy. The Intel BOXD915PSY 915P LGA775 800FSB 4DDR Audio Lan SATA uATX 2PCI + PCI- Retail Motherboard is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. People who have purchased and used this amazing product are so happy with its performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description below for more information about this product or click here for more details.
- Intel Pentium 4 Processor Extreme Edition (LGA775 socket with 800 MHz system bus).
- Intel Pentium 4 Processor supporting Hyper-Threading Technology (LGA775 socket with 533/800 MHz
- Intel Celeron D Processor (LGA775 socket with 533 MHz system bus).
- Number of Processors Supported: 1.
- Chipset Used: Intel 915P.
Intel - D915psyl Matx Motherboard Socket 775 800mhz Fsb 4gb (max) Ddr Memory Support Audio+lan (boxd915psyl). New Retail Factory Sealed. In Stock.
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