Get Special Offer For Mega V5 IO Expansion/Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 Shield---Arduino Mega Compatible
Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The Mega V5 IO Expansion/Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 Shield---Arduino Mega Compatible is one that you should have. The Mega V5 IO Expansion/Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 Shield---Arduino Mega Compatible is a popular product that everyone can invest on. People who have already tested this product are very pleased with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
For those who are familiar with electronic circuits, universal boards or bread board modules, building a simple circuit could be effortless; while for those who are not familiar with circuits or slightly more complex ones, making a circuit does not seem so easy.
This MEGA Sensor Expansion Shield is designed for making such a job easy. It is able to easily connect a number of commonly used sensors. For interactive works, the focus should not be on the specific circuit configuration, but on what features need to be implemented. The shield is thus to help you achieve such a goal.
Specification :
Compatible with a number of sensors
54 Digital IO Ports
16 Analogue Ports
Size: 101.5 x 58 mm
Weight:40g Package Include
Package List:
1 X Mega IO Expansion Shield
Cheap Mega V5 IO Expansion/Xbee/Bluetooth/SRS485 Shield---Arduino Mega Compatible
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