Get Special Deal For Generic LCD PCI PC Computer Motherboard Analyzer Tester Diagnostic Card
Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The Generic LCD PCI PC Computer Motherboard Analyzer Tester Diagnostic Card is one that you should buy. The Generic LCD PCI PC Computer Motherboard Analyzer Tester Diagnostic Card is a favorite product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- LCD PCI PC Computer Motherboard Analyzer
100% Brand new , never used
Item's color might be different from the picture because of the aberration.
Adopts database compress technology enables to store all debug error information to MCU.
This high quality PCI Analyzer can diagnosis the motherboard signal which show the problem of CPU, memory, display card and so on.
Displays error code, reason and solution quickly after booting, if there is a problem.
Ideal for IT enthusiasts and engineers to test and repair computer.
Help you remove the most headachy fault which sometimes normal but sometimes wrong.
Scroll information automatically, you can view the whole message without press the button .
Automatically stored in the selected BIOS type and language.
Quickly search error records, long time htt PAGE will jump -5th step.
Easy and quick to install, indicator light for easy read, four-bit code is displayed.
Super mini design and No need error code book.
Much more inconvenience than LED hexadecimal character display.
PCI interface for easy access to your desktop PC.
Inserts into PCI slot and sets correct BIOS by BIOS button before booting.
Supports three popular BIOS (AMI, Award & Phoenix).
BIOS button for setting correct BIOS and PAGE button for viewing records.
CLK, SYS, +12, -12, +5V, +3.3V indicators available.
Supports English language.
Please note that it does not support hot swapping.
Dimension: 7.4cm x 4.8cm (2.9inch x 1.9inch).
Weight: 23g
Package include:
1 x 1 x LCD Display PC Diagnostic Card
1 x User Manual
Best Offer Generic LCD PCI PC Computer Motherboard Analyzer Tester Diagnostic Card
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