Get Cheap SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - i5500 (X8DTL-IF-O) -
There are several great products on the market, The SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - i5500 (X8DTL-IF-O) - is one that is worth buying. The SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - i5500 (X8DTL-IF-O) - is a great product and we are pleased with its quality. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - Motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - 2 CPUs supported - i5500 - 2 x Gigabit LAN - onboard graphics
Product Description: SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - i5500
Product Type: Motherboard - ATX
Chipset Type: Intel 5500 / Intel ICH10R
Processor Socket: 2 x LGA1366 Socket
Compatible Processors: Quad-Core Xeon 5500 series, Quad-Core Xeon 5600 series, Six-Core Xeon 5600 series
Max RAM Size: 48 GB
RAM Supported: 6 DIMM slots - DDR3 , ECC , registered
USB Ports Configuration: 5 x USB
Graphics: Matrox MGA G200
LAN: 2 x Gigabit Ethernet
Best Deals SUPERMICRO X8DTL-iF - motherboard - ATX - LGA1366 Socket - i5500 (X8DTL-IF-O) -
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