Get Special Price For Genuine Dell MotherBoard With Mounting Tray For Optiplex GX240 SFF/DT/SMT Systems, Compatible Dell Part Numbers: 3N338, 8P277, 7H371, 3E078, 5J706, 8P283
There is no doubt that there are many people are looking for a high quality product, The Genuine Dell MotherBoard With Mounting Tray For Optiplex GX240 SFF/DT/SMT Systems, Compatible Dell Part Numbers: 3N338, 8P277, 7H371, 3E078, 5J706, 8P283 is one that you should have. The Genuine Dell MotherBoard With Mounting Tray For Optiplex GX240 SFF/DT/SMT Systems, Compatible Dell Part Numbers: 3N338, 8P277, 7H371, 3E078, 5J706, 8P283 is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. They are also amazed at how affordable the price is and yet does not lack quality features.
Please read product description and product features before you are sure to decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Form Factor Micro ATX. Chipset Intel 845. CPU: Supports Intel Pentium 4, Socket mPGA478.
- Memory: 168pin SDRAM ( 2 Slots), 1GB Max, PC133.
- Disk Drive Interface: IDE (ATA 33/66/100) x 2, Floppy Disc x 1.
- Expansion Slots AGP x 1 / PCI x 2.
- I/O Connectors: PS/2 Mouse, PS/2 Keyboard, Printer Port x 1, Serial Port x 2, Onboard Sound, USB x 2, Network LAN 10/100 x 1.
Genuine Dell MotherBoard With Mounting Tray For Optiplex GX240 SFF/DT/SMT Systems, Compatible Dell Part Number 3E078,
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